What You Should Know About Chinese Astrology Birthing Chart

The Chinese astrology has been in existence since time immemorial in China. The system was developed to help the Chinese people understand individual personalities in terms of health, likes and dislikes personal inclinations, career directions and other behavioral traits, especially with regards to love and making money.

This being the case, the Chinese astrology birthing chart is likewise used for forecasting the  sex of an unborn  baby by identifying in which year or animal sign the mothers birth date, age and month of conception coincides.

The above became possible with the invention of the Chinese Horoscope cycle, which is enhanced by the simple divisions of the twelve months of the Chinese year represented by different animals typifying the Chinese horoscope. There is a world of difference between the Chinese horoscope and the western horoscope in both representation and interpretation. We Americans like the Chinese have for years used astrology for improving our relationships, love live and business potentials.

These animals that represent the different months of the year are used in creating the Chinese astrology birthing chart for determining the sex of an unborn  bay according to the alignment of the mothers birth and conception statistics with the animals shown on the chart in years, months and days.

The Chinese zodiac animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The selection of these animals for the Chinese astrology zodiac was done carefully in relation with human behavior that is attributable to each of the animals.

When a Chinese woman becomes pregnant, she or her husband can consult a Chinese astrology birthing chart using her age, the date and year she was born and the date and month she conceived the pregnancy to work out the sex of the unborn baby in relation to the different Chinese Zodiac animals.

Now, to  a none Chinese person this may seem ridiculous, but to the Chinese, a Chinese astrology birthing chart works well enough to indicate the sex of an unborn baby. Some American are known to have tested this system of an unborn baby’s sex prediction and attests to its reliability. You can search for Chinese astrology birthing chart online and try it yourself; you might be surprised with what results you will find.
You can also use astrology to enhance your online business, so let me introduce  you to the below proven money making systems –  like everyone else you need enough money to make a family.


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Let me conclude this  article by informing you that  your ability to manage your money is very important  in any business.  Make judicious use of your  earning and invest wisely. I hope you enjoyed this article about  Chinese Astrology Birthing Chart